The unconquerable force energy

I am of belief that nothing happens in our life unless it is predestined. Call me fatalist or what, but I am driven by this thought that there is certainly an omnipotent energy force originating from somewhere in the vastness of the universe that controls our life’s movements and decides if we meet pitfalls or success in every sphere of life we lead. Folly of us not to subscribe to this ideology. Just because everything that happens in our life bears its evidence and then we believe in it doesn’t mean we should reject occurrence of those incidents that take place based on the reason that is mysteriously unsubstantiated through material evidence. Things like earthquake and other nature-propelled incidents act on their own self-run will or by certain mystique force of the universe that is beyond our ability to prove. 

However, the existence of such an energy force tells us that we must regard its omnipotence with awe and honor. Even though we tend not to believe such existence but no harm is done if at least we show some respect to it. I came to know today through a certain media outlet that scientists at NASA are about to send a spacecraft called SOLAR PROBE on the Sun. The contraception that is gigantically awe-inspiring will set off its journey near time soon and by the time it will penetrate the intense beams of the sun and enter into its surface, we will come to know a lot of unsolved mysteries about the solar system of the universe, including the fact pertaining to the impact of solar beams against the satellites orbiting around the planetary family in the solar system. It is believed that the gigantically powerful sun beams inflict irreparable damage to the satellite reducing its life expectancy and performance massively. The solar probe will fetch many answers of the sun we have never dreamt of before. Yes, it is a manifestation of human race’s first attempt of this gravity.

I tend to believe that the life force of divine almighty is unchallengeable and can’t be subdued due to the scientific force of human-made intelligent machines. Countless incidents have substantiated that nature’s force has its own destructive rules and anyone who tried not to subjugate themselves to such rules faced their immediate extinction from the face of the earth. Example of survival of the fittest theory truly vindicates this. Point is, our life’s every moment is determined by the almighty force of the universe. The catch is those of you who think positively will be benefited by the positive energy force of the universe or vice versa, depending on which course of action you choose.


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