Content Writing – Do You Express Or Impress?
Though every writer knows he/she can write, but what fails them being standout, then? Though there may be countless reasons to substantiate their failure , a habit to impress readers without expressing is one of them. Read to know more about it ... It is quite a conviction of mine that content writing, no matter what kind of writing, must always be synchronized with title given as it lends credence to contents and symbolizes that it is meaningfully related. But a writer, in addition to considering meaningful relation of contents with the title specified, must know that expression always counts much in the profession of writing. So long you fail to express yourself meaningfully and impressively, there is fat chance that you will succeed as a writer. How many times did you try to know if you are writing to impress or express? Is your writing style compulsively whimsical? Does it deviate you from the main subject line? Do you wittingly write to impress? These questions, if ...