
Showing posts from January 5, 2014

THE World Is Reflection Of Our Attitude. THE Longer We Gaze At Void, The Longer It Gazes At Us. Attitude Matters!

Just because you believe something is bad or someone has an attitude, just make sure your hands are clean. I read somewhere that once upon a time, Jesus was walking across a street to a gathering of frenzy mob pelting stones on a shabby-dressed, sorry-looking woman. Her fault? Well, Jesus learned that the woman was being punished for her falsehood, and therefore, she deserved death for that immoral act. At this, Lord Jesus said to the mob that next hand to pick up a stone to hit the lady must be the ones who never lied in his/her lifetime. Silence befell! No stone was picked up!! Was that a divine miracle? I guess, that was impact of TRUTH. The moral lesson is, everyone is at fault if they look inward. Every night when I retire to bed, I have a strange recount of my day's work - what did I do today, what was left, I forgot to do something important, I wasted my today for something trivial, I resolve not to repeat that tomorrow etc. The recount of today's work at night i...