Digital Marketing And The Importance of Youtility
A week ago I was browsing through videos on the site of YouTube when suddenly I noticed a video headlined by a never-heard-before concept, YOUTILITY. Out of the curiosity, I played the video, which featured Jay Baer, the writer of the term, Youtility.
Well, more than the video headline, it was the way by which the term, youtility, was being simplified that I found instructively wonderful. To the video or better say to the viewpoint of Jay – the best business strategy of modern day digital marketing would be to HELP customers in order to make a client for LIFE.
Youtility –what is it?
Youtility can be defined as one of the modern-day-business strategies focused to build up a long-term business engagement with clients, as opposed to the traditional client-development methods involving LARGE-SCALE-SALES business patterns and that which involved incorporation of fierce marketing strategies by the use of different marketing channels, social media included.
However, the incorporation of conventional business marketing strategies face their inevitable obsolescence (nearing to the state of being outdated) indicating days to descend will witness extinction of "white elephant" marketing strategies, thereby breeding a concept of adapting to emerging challenges and unique strategies being implemented by the competitor companies (quite psychologically, when one's mind is devoid of unique ideas, the best bet is to follow those used by competitors).
And, youtility is one of the unique concepts in the sense of marketing strategies.
Pioneered by Jay Baer, Youtility articulates the importance of being client-centric, not as followed by the conventional methods of marketing products and services to target clients, but somewhat differently by extending people HELP, valuable HELP and that may involve almost zero level of promotional attitude.
To Jay, if you sell something you make a customer for TODAY, but if you HELP someone, you make a customer for LIFE.
And that is the essence of Youtility, something that advocates the concept of letting a potential customer feel SPECIAL in every sense of business insight, because that’s the only trend to be followed in upcoming digital marketing scenario.
With this unique feature of improving business engagement with clients, business owners will ostensibly be forced to re-strategize their business strategies that dwell within the pit of obsessive SALE, SALE and only SALE intent.
Though Youtility concept focuses on the significance of assisting client in every way imaginable so as to let them feel important with your service, it doesn’t however mean that the vested-interest of building up a lucrative engagement will not be there. Of course it will be, but not by means of imposing sales proposals, rather through help. You have to show how helpful you are for them.
For instance, if you are running a website offering SEO content writing service or something different, then let your target audience or visitors be benefited by the useful and quality content you publish on your blog. Because so long you don’t prove yourself to be helpful or don’t render significant help for the audience/visitors, you will not gain any new engagement.
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