Smoking – A Plain Link To Sleep Disorder

Fond of smoking like hell? It’s high time you kicked the butt as smoking is now proven to be one of the most potential factors to cause sleep disorder at night.

So, if you are seeking a remedy for sleep disorder, better give up smoking.

A recent study by University of Florida and Research Triangle Park has revealed through its finding that each fag which you puff into your lungs cause 1.2 minutes cumulative depletion in your sleep time.

In contrast to the received wisdom about smoking that it leads to the birth of several health disorders, this new finding is really a jolt for chain or moderate smokers.

The research team studied the sleep patterns of smokers and found that some around 11.9% were reported to experience trouble in sleeping, 10.6% woke up at night and 9.5% got up early in the morning, thus leading the findings to a straightway conclusion that smoking causes poor sleep, a potential factor to many health disorders.

In its finding, the research team noted significant depletion in the sleep disorder in non-smokers and those who had already abandoned smoking.

Several physical and mental disorders such as high blood sugar, diabetes and depression are largely associated with inadequate sleep in the affected people. In addition, lack of proper sleep causes onslaught of deadly and life-threatening diseases like cancer and heart problem in the long run.

The nerve-racking fact is that the smokers are prone to receiving such deadly diseases as each of the aforesaid disease links to insomnia or sleepless night syndrome.

A Piece of Advice – 

It’s hard to quit smoking right away as you may experience a kind of withdrawal syndrome. But that’s for your own safety. That is for the sake of your own life. Not today, but eventually you’ll experience the adverse effect of sleepless night caused by smoking. You can join rehab center that treats smokers and help them give up smoking once for all.

After all, there is nothing so precious as health in the world.


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